Saturday, August 2, 2008

Aug 2nd

We had a big day yesterday. Hired a driver, picked up Reasa we went and got our liquor, took Reasa home and then we went to order Nikki's transitional glasses, so I just got me another paid toooooo. They are SO awesome.

Then we went to Hymalia mall and then home. At 8pm we went to "TrysT" for dinner, but we didn't stay, it was VERY LOUD disco music, so we called Kristen and Heather to meet us at Little Italy for dinner. The 7 of us had a really good time talking about India and America. Then Reasa and Robert came back to our bungalow, put little Ben in bed. Bob & Robert drank beer and Reasa almost fell asleep, I was pretty interested in what Robert was saying because it effects our business. He has gotten us in touch with Bhavin. We asked how old he was, he said 39, then he had the funniest look on his face when I told him that he was the same age as my oldest daughter. It was so great! I guess they can't tell American age.

So we slept in this morning. Have a meeting the Bhavin at 2 and then Chirag and Amish at 4. We are then going to "ICY PICK" for American food. They get a shipment every week. Always something new. We found "HORMEL BEEF TAMALES" last week.

It has been a little better this week. I fill my weekly pill container up and the days just keep disappearing and I have to fill it up again and that only means that I am getting that closer to coming home.

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