Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aug 17th

We had lunch with the Westerners at Little Italy. Then we went to Pranva's inlaws and discussed business about a bungalow in BoPal. It is the best bungalow that I have seen until we went to their bungalow to talk about the one they have for rent. It was so nice.

Called Mom and Dad and they are very anxious for me to come home. I am always sad when I talk to them. They miss me so much. Dad asked mom if he could call me on my cell phone just so he could talk to me in person.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
I was reading a blog the question was:
Posted by Jnana22
My question is: HOW DO YOU DO IT? Do you quit your jobs, take leaves of absence, and what do you do about your house, your bills, your pets, etc.? I am so envious of all the people who are able to get lost in India for such long periods of time, and very curious about the logistics of actually doing it. What's your secret

The one response that had me ROFL:
Save every penny for years, don't go out, don't buy new clothes, don't take other vacations, work extra jobs, pack up all your stuff and put it in boxes in your mom's basement, quit your job, sell your car, have a garage sale of all the crap you don't need anymore, move out of your apt, terminate your phone and electrical accounts, beg money from generous relatives - in other words, trash your entire life. It's fun!

Oh, I forgot- go into debt!

Then it's even more fun to have people over here tell you how RICH you are! and why you deserve to pay more for everything!

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